Sunday, January 25, 2015

Typology and Writing

The Jung Typology test was very interesting. Not all of the questions were phrased where your answer could be absolute. I'm sure they thought of that when they picked the questions.So not being absolute which ever way you leaned that is the one you chose. I was not sure how accurate it would be or what it was supposed to tell me. I was pleasantly surprised. Going into the different sections it gave me after the test on the site I discovered different things. Then going to the Jung typology indicator on the eanthology I found more.
My indicator type was INFJ. At first glance I wasn't sure if I agreed with it all. With only seeing the percentages in these four things. Introvert, Intuitive, Feeling and Judging; my indicators. There wasn't much understanding until I read all the information. Then I would say I agree with a good 75% of it when pertaining to me.The first thing I looked at on the site was the top job it picked for me which is what I want to be.
In learning it hit the nail on the head. Things like requiring an independent work environment for studying and reflection and completing required reading. All others in this category were at least often, as it said. It made me realize these things pertained to an in class thing and not an online. Due to different circumstances and lack of experience with computers it changes things.
In writing, I again agree with most, like being drawn to personal topics, infuse values and ideals in writing and may have difficulties writing in other areas. Then my lack of knowledge on the proper way to write like formats stops me from soaring in my writing abilities so I don't agree with my type being the most likely to have their writing published.
Other sections seemed to have opportunities to learn from these findings to help you improve in areas. Like the work area, let you see what you should watch out for so you can improve. Although I disagreed with one in there that it said I would do. Still, one or two out of eleven isn't bad.
I can see myself going through this again and again.Understanding the things I struggle with and seeing the reason why; helps relieve some pressure. Although this has not changed how I feel or think it gives me a new perspective and it was as I've said interesting. I do believe this could help me in my writing by seeing the positive things and them boosting my confidence and working harder on the things I struggle with.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice reflection - you have a knack for reflecting on the personal which matches your type. ~Ms. A.
