I have learned lately that if you are not well informed so much can go wrong. Yes, this is not news breaking, earth shattering information. I have and most should know that you need to be well informed. I guess it depends on what is going on in your life on how much this comes into play. I always thought of myself as some one that paid attention to what needed to be known. Then this whole college thing happened and whoa is me there is so much more information that is needed to be known. Even when you think you have the information you need this is when you find out you don't know the half of it.
People that talk to you like you already know what they are telling you like everything is common sense. I think they forget what it is like when you first start or have never been in college. It is an issue even with people at work when they explain how a job works. Yes it is a simple as can be but if you have never seen or held, say a certain tool ever in your life than its not so simple to use this tool.
Go ahead shovel this side walk front to back, piece of cake, if you don't know what a shovel is not so easy.
That brings me to my if I only knew it would be simple, moment. Proctored exam, Sure I asked what it was, already feeling I should know. The test you take in front of someone or watched by, a proctor. I asked where you could do this since I would be in and out of the state. For this I was told I could take it at the school or anywhere that had a proctor or somehow with web cam. So this I thought was it, all the information I needed. Of course I was wrong and have all the hope in the world that I was not to late. So with all of this I already didn't know and questioned I am not sure why I was not informed of exactly how this worked, I know now I should have asked even more questions. Yes, to almost everyone this is probably almost common sense, but to me well I had no idea I had to set up a time and date. this could be do to me being out of school for about 20 years and this being my first on-line class. I saw this mentioned somewhere on blackboard for one of my classes. I thought there were proctors there (at the school) and I could just go up there anytime they were in. Boy was I wrong. So lesson learned and try to be well informed in the future. No, this is not the first or only instance that this lesson has been learned and it won't be the last I am sure. I will strive for all the information all the time, or as much as possible.
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