Happiness, the state of being happy. Happy, feeling or showing pleasure or contentment. Do we really need a definition of happy or happiness. Its something we feel, experience and even if its just a moment of happiness in a life of hell it is still happiness and felt.
Do we take our happiness for granted? I believe I have and I am sure that I am not the only one. In the busy lives that most of us live we don't give ourselves the time to appreciate our own happiness. If we run around to get ready in the morning then work like a dog all day. Make it home at some point to hopefully spend a little family time or time doing something we like before or after cleaning up and eating. Then finishing the day getting comfy and cozy and going to bed. The whole day, does anyone ever even notice a moment of happiness? Even if you have them do you notice or appreciate them.
Through life I have noticed the lucky few who are happy. Some seem to fake it and some are genuinely happy. I take my hat off to them. They usually seem to be more at ease. They stop and smell the roses, appreciate what they have and live it up. Maybe its a combination of temperament and attitude , upbringing and things that happen in your life, I really am not entirely sure.
For me it has always been a struggle. Of course I have had my moments, the more I think about it the more " moments"I know I have had. That, made me realize its the unhappy moments that cloud the happy and make us feel as if we have had less. I have been lucky to, as of lately, be able to notice or stop and appreciate my little moments of happiness. I think becoming a grandmother is what is responsible for this, stop and smell the roses attitude. I have always known and seen my happiness when it had anything to do with my children or for my children. They always lit up my life and put a smile on my face. Like in Peter Pan (Hook) they were my happy thought. Then when the grand babies came about, it wasn't just with everything to do with them but I also noticed silly little things in life that made me happy. I realized all I want is to be happy, my children, husband, grand children,friends and family to be happy. It is the most amazing thing to want and now little by little I will have happiness, Everyone should!
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