Friday, February 27, 2015


Stuck in the room, down on my knees I reach above my head to feel the cobwebs that are tickling my face. There is only inches of wiggle room. How did I get in here? The smell is musty and the dust is tickling my nose. It is so dark I can barely make out the outline of my own body. Wait there I see a tiny light in the distance. Shining through the crack and surrounding an outline of a very miniature door. I hear such a ruckus going on outside of wherever I am.
There is a very hot sticky mess going down the right side of my body. I feel as if I am in the army and crawling through one of there obstacle courses. Almost there I can just about reach the door just a couple more wiggles. How am I going to get any umph behind me to get this open. Sh** what was that? The sound is like a thousand animals being corralled into one fenced in yard stomping on a hundred people. Do I even want to get out of here? Is that pain, is that blood? Do it just push it you can't stay in here in this where ever I am. PUSH- yes it is opening. CRACK- ahhhhhhhh-Splat-! Beep beep beep, I'm up, I'm up,  what a messed up dream. No more sugary snacks before bed.

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