Sunday, March 1, 2015

March 1st 2015

The older you get the faster the days, months and years go by. At least that is how it seems. When your young, your school year seems to tick by so slow you just can't wait for summer to arrive. Then it isn't as if summer flies by either it is just a separate time of the year. Except maybe the last week that always did seem to fly. 
As the saying goes, time flies when your having fun. That just isn't the case when it comes to getting older and the years flying by. I have been trying to come up with some possible reasons. Why do the days go by in a wink, the seasons change before you even get everything set up for the one your in, the babies turn in to children, teens then adults in a blink of the eye.
My first thought is we know we are getting closer to deaths door and that makes us feel that life is going faster. Then there is several other things that came to mind like your brain can only hold so much and its already filled partially up so you keep less memory in. Another possibility, you don't have as many things you look forward to, days you count down to a special event.
My final reason is the one I believe. That our lives become so full, so packed with things to do, so busy that everything is shortened. When you are younger you fill your time with the things you want to do and have fun while you do it. Sleeping in when your not in school, and hanging out with friends or doing whatever it is that you like. When you are an adult you are trying to squeeze in everything you need to get done in a day. Usually all things you need to do in the day pours over to the next. Most of these things you do are not your wants but your have to. You watch all the beautiful things and people in your life grow old and move on. It gets hard to stop and smell the roses. Simple you don't let the day take anytime so the days fly by.

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