Sunday, February 1, 2015

10 min. free write This I believe

I believe animals have feelings. I really do believe animals have feelings. I have had many pets in my life and it seems they have feelings some more then others. like now I have several two dogs for starters and they both have different attitudes and one is needy of attention and the other not so much but he seems to get his feelings hurt easily. the one that is needy shows he feelings in jealousy and in toher ways. My cat she is funny heer name is luci-fur and she shows her feelings in anger I don't care what the cat guy says she shows her anger. If you ignore her when she wants something like food or to jump on your shoulder or play paper ball( yes my cat thinks shes a dog and plays fetch with paper balls) anyway she will run up bite you and run away then sit there with a dirty look on her face till you do what it is that she originally wanted. this free writing is fun. Oh that was off the subject so not sure about my ferrets they definitely have attitudes and are some crazy characters but they don't show much in the feelings department then ther is humans that don't either. My bird though definitely shows her feelings when your eating and you don't share with her or if she is wanted to dance to music and you only play one song she will go sulk. times up

234 words

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