Thursday, February 19, 2015


I am definitely a pet person and have had more then my share, whether chosen, chosen by or given or saved. This time I will talk about the beginning of my adult life and pets , in the first place i lived, yes there has been that many. I think my first animals in my upper flat were fish and I can definitely remember one in particular a Jack Dempsey he was around for a good portion of time he loved to eat other fish he was pretty aggressive. He was a character that is for sure, there are not many fish I would actually consider a pet a pet I would call a family member. Jack he was he would play with you through the glass and play fight with food constantly changed things in his cage if he didn't like it. I did have him for several years until he eventually died from ich. I tried to have a cat even though I was allergic this cat found, at the time us, still a kitten living outside. This kitten was so fuzzy and fluffy, we named him Leo, he looked like a little lion. I lived through the allergies the best I could but then we came to a new fault any time the water bed edge was uncovered he would spray, and once the spray began it didn't stop. This is the first animal I ever had to get rid of, he did get to go somewhere he could go in and outside which he loved but I hated it.
Then there was my a little bit odder choice of animals but good choice for a small upper flat. The first would be my Caiman crocodile he was fun and interesting to learn from. He liked eating goldfish and was supposed to eat mice also but when I got him one instead of eating him he became his friend he even slept on his back it was quite humorous. Then there was Alcatraz I got him when he was a baby about a couple centimeters around and a foot or so long. He earned his name as he loved to escape and found new and wondrous ways to do so. In case you haven't figured it out yet he was a snake a Burmese Python to be exact. I enjoyed his company, hugs and playfulness. He went from eating pinkies to mice then up to rats. I hated feeding him rats because he only ate live and they would tear him up sometimes. He grew to be approximately 10-12 inch width and 6 ft length. Sadly he ended up eating a sick mouse and became bloated and passed away. There were one or two others that I wouldn't even consider pets either because they didn't stay or I didn't have attachment to or we just took care of and then sent on. Like the Rattlesnake my (ex) husband brought home from a work trip that scared the hell out of me every time it rattled, that did not even last a week. The squirrels we nursed back to health that only one survived and we sent it back out to the world. There was also a pigeon that had a broken wing, that was one that I didn't think would work but it actually did and we got it healed and to somewhat fly before letting it go. I swear that guy hung around, we would always see it on the other side of our yard near the tracks. The family member I will never forget that I will end this to begin again as I move to my first house would be Tosha, Boxer/Pit Bull, four in half week old adorable little brindle pup! Oh how we all loved her!

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